by cpaofmiami | Jun 15, 2015 | Tax Tips
The business structure you use – sole proprietor, LLC, etc. – has tremendous impact on how your company operates and pays taxes. A business structure is simply an organizational framework. The IRS requires you to select one for your company, since this...
by cpaofmiami | Jun 15, 2015 | Tax Tips
Computer games are not just for kids anymore. With the advent of online gambling, some adults are now spending as much time “playing” on the computer as their children do. While some of these virtual casinos allow players to play with “pretend”...
by cpaofmiami | Jun 15, 2015 | Tax Tips
Intuit discontinued its own QuickBooks mobile app a while back, but there’s still plenty of processing power available for your smartphone or tablet. In days gone by, running a company was a 40 hour per week proposition. You might have taken work home some...
by cpaofmiami | Jun 15, 2015 | Tax Tips
Rebuilding a falling credit score or attempting to boost your credit ahead of a major purchase, such as a home or automobile, is important. The good news is with attention, focus, and discipline, it can be done. Unfortunately, it’s not usually a lightning fast...
by cpaofmiami | Jun 1, 2015 | Tax Tips
What Does the Executor of a Will Do? A number of decisions have to be made when a Last Will and Testament is created. The majority of those decisions relate to the disposition of estate assets; however, there are other decisions that must be made as well, including...
by cpaofmiami | Jun 1, 2015 | Tax Tips
A small business faces numerous hurdles along the way to success. At the top of the list is navigating the various local, state, and federal taxes obligations the business incurs. Neglecting to file taxes that the company owes can cause a fledging business to fail...